Welcome to Hurdon.net
This site will chronicle my ten year voyage into understanding the human
With this site I will try to convey my purpose in such an endeavor.
My studies of the human figure began 30 years ago at the Ontario College of
Art in Toronto. It was here that my love for the human figure began. I loved the
ambiance of the life drawing class. Working with many people, sometimes ten or
more, all concentrated on trying to understand as they drew. The respect for the
model was also something that one immediately felt the first time one went to a
The college offered sessions in life drawing held in the evenings and open to
all students of the college. We even had one fellow come into class on night
with a tiny pad and an HB pencil. It was really quite amusing, the instructor
immediately recognized he was not a student and asked him to leave. We could all
see he was quite embarrassed and left without a sound.
So, why this web site? I think partially because I need a way of soliciting
feedback from the artistic community and partially as a teaching tool for those
interested in the subject.
The Ten Year Goal
On January 01, 2004 I set about on my journey to fully understand the human
skeleton and muscular system with the goal after ten years of study, to be able
to realize the human figure in space with a complete three dimensional
understanding. The artists of the Italian Renaissance had gained this
understanding through long study, but what is particularly absent from their
work is a chronicle of the process to arriving at this understanding. We almost
always find the end of this process in the drawings of Michelangelo, Raphael
Santo and the like.